Deer Tick

Born At Zero

Deer Tick

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Born At Zero

verse 1 

G                                       C/G 
You're coming back, I don't know why I feel so bad 
      D              C/G             G 
Oh, a picture always hurts more than words 
       G                         C/G 
You're born at zero, and dead at 23 
                 D    C/G                  G 
Ain't it fucking cold, and the dirt comes free 

verse 2 

    G                                     C/G 
You make it clear, you take me as insincere 
  D               C/G              G 
A picture I can't live without seein' 
        G                                   C/G 
Oh, you made your point, I never robbed you of a choice 
     D            C/G             G 
And I can hear a longing in your voice 

D G I'm a sorry mess, to see your face C Am G I wanna hold you close, but I push you away D G I wanna feel your skin upon my skin C Am G But I'm not feeling great, about letting you in
verse 3 G C/G Close your eyes, it's just about time to speak D C/G G Our dreams only come true in better dreams G C/G I drink neat in the middle of drunken screams D C/G G Oh, praying to God that one day I'll be clean G C/G Oh, look at the clock, I wish it was a time machine D 'Cause I could have been anything but I got C/G G caught up in your grand schemes
D G I'm a sorry mess *to see your face* C Am G I wanna hold you close, but I push you away D G I wanna feel your skin upon my skin C Am G But I'm not feeling great, about letting you in
Outro G C/G Born at zero, and dead at 23 D C/G G Ain't it fucking cold, and the dirt come free

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