David Ruis

Break Dividing Walls

David Ruis

chords Beginner beginner


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Break Dividing Walls

verse 1: 

G                   C 
There is a place of commanded blessing 
      G           D 
Where brethren in unity dwell 
G             C 
A place where anointing oil is flowing 
      G  D       G 
Where we live as one 

verse 2: 

G                     C 
You have called us to be a body 
    G                 D 
You have called us as friends 
G                      C 
Joined together in the bond of the Spirit 
G  D     G 
Unto the end 


C                       G 
Father we join with the prayer of Jesus 
C             G 
As You are so let us be one 
C                  G 
Joined together in unity and purpose 
C                   D 
All for the love of Your Son 

        G                             C 
We will break dividing walls, we will break dividing walls 
        G                            D 
We will break dividing walls, in the name of Your Son 
        G                             C 
We will break dividing walls, we will break dividing walls 
    G  D       G 
And we will be one 

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