David Guetta

Goodbye Friend

David Guetta

chords Beginner beginner


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Goodbye Friend

The colors will change 
             G        D 
I love every shade of you 
Don't lose your faith 
             Em       D 
Keep walking how you do 
Don't you say you are the worth 
G                D                           A 
All the pain and all the hurt you're going through 
                Em      D 
And I'll always be with you 

Goodbye friend 
            Em      D 
No, this is not the end 
Lift up your head 
               Em  D 
Somewhere with me again 
hold onto the moments we shared 
              G                        D 
Those are the treasures that won't disappear 
        A       Em   D 
Goodbye friend 

A      Em  D 
A      Em  D 
A      Em  D 
A      Em  D 

A        G    D                    A 
                The world's just a place 
                Em          D 
That we're only passing through 
Heaven awaits 
                Em       D 
Those that keep marching through 
Don't you say that loving lost 
G                D                         A 
Wasn't worth the pain it cost you're going through 
                  Em        D 
Cause I'd take it all for you 

Goodbye friend 
            Em      D 
No, this is not the end 
Lift up your head 
               Em  D 
Somewhere with me again 
hold onto the moments we shared 
              G                        D 
Those are the treasures that won't disappear 
        A       Em   D 
Goodbye friend 

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