Dave Matthews Band

If I Had It All

Dave Matthews Band

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If I Had It All

Written by Glen Ballard/Dave Matthews

	  		                                                Em                  G                 A 
Sometimes I can't move my feet it seems 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
As if I'm stuck in the ground somehow like a tree 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
As if I can't even breathe 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
And my screams come whispering out 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
As if nobody can even see me 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
Like a ghost 
I can't see myself sometimes 
                C                                       Em 
Then again if I were a king 
If I had everything 
If I had you 
And I could give you your dreams 
                C                                       Em 
If I were giant size 
On top of it all 
D                                                                     Dm 
Tell me what in the world would I sing for 
If I had it 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
Sometimes I feel lost 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
As I pull you out like strings of memories 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
Wish I could weave them into you 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
And I could figure the whole damn puzzle out 
                             C                                       Em 
But then again if I were a king 
If I had everything 
If I had you 
And I could give you your dreams 
                C                                       Em 
If I were giant size 
On top of it all 
D                                                                     Dm 
Tell me what in the world would I sing for 
If I had it all 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
I could take anything 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
If I had no greed to big 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
Just poison tainting the green 
Remembering time 
Much younger than me now 
When my breath was light 
When the world raised me kind 
Here the mother comforts child 
Every moment was waking up 
But now I have grown tired 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
If I had it all 
Oh I'd fuck it up sure 
                C                                       Em 
If I were a king 
If I had everything 
If I had you 
And I could give you your dreams 
                C                                       Em 
If I were giant size 
On top of it all 
D                                                                     Dm 
Tell me what in the world would I sing for 
                C                                       Em 
If I were a king 
If I had everything 
If I had you 
And I could give you your dreams 
                C                                       Em 
If I were giant size 
On top of it all 
D                                                                     Dm 
Tell me what in the world would I sing for 
                                                Em                  G                 A 
If I had it all 


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