Cosmic Psychos

Alright Tonight

Cosmic Psychos

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Alright Tonight

	  		C         D                                     C 
I've been hanging out for weeks just to see you 
D                                                C            
Knocking at my house 'cause there's nothing to do 
D                                        C 
Going up the pub and just hanging around 
Just looking at everything's just getting me down 

         F                 G       C     D 
We'll be waiting, we'll be hanging out tonight 
C                        F             C    D 
You're coming over, everything's gonna be alright 

C D                              C 
Your old man don't approve of me 
D                                    C 
What he wants for you, I'll never be 
D                                  C 
Sent you to wait upon another one 
But you and me know that this can't be undone 

C D                                  C 
You been gone such a long, long time 
D                                               C 
But you tell me, baby, that you'll still be mine 
D                                  C 
I can't wait to get you in my arms 
I know you're gonna give me all of your charm 


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