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Written by Julien Baker / Lucy Dacus / Phoebe Bridgers

	  		Intro:  G  D  Bm  G 
        D  Bm  G 

Verse 1:

D Bm G D Bm G Will you be a satanist with me? D Bm G D Mortgage off your soul to buy your dream Bm G D Vacation home in Florida Bm G D Bm G The collateral, the devil's repossessin' from me D Bm G D Bm G Trying to score some off brand ecstasy D Bm G D Bm G Will you be an anarchist with me? D Bm G D Bm G Sleep in cars and kill the bourgeoisie D Bm G At least until you find out what a fake I am D Bm G Spray paint my initials on an AT-M D Bm G D Bm G I burn my cash and smash my old TV
Instrumental D Bm G D Bm G D Bm G D Bm G

Verse 2:

D Bm G D Bm G Will you be a nihilist with me? D Bm G D Bm G If nothin' matters, man, that's a relief D Bm G Solomon had a point when he wrote Ecclesiastes D Bm G If nothing can be known, then stupidity is holy D If the void becomes a bore Bm G D Bm We'll treat ourselves to some self-belief G (Oh, you know what I should do?)
Instrumental D Bm G D Bm G D Bm G D Bm G D Final: D Bm D G D You wonder if you can even be seen Bm D G From so far away D Bm D G D A slow pull, a seismic drift Bm D G Leaning over the edge of the continent D Bm D G It's so hard to come back D Bm D G D You hang on until it traps Bm D G You under, you under D Bm D G You under, you under ( D Bm D G ) ( D Bm D G ) ( Bm G )

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