Bethel Music

Way Maker

Bethel Music

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Way Maker

Written by Osinachi Kalu Okoro Egbu / Sinach

	  		Intro Gb  Db  Ab  Bbm 
        Gb  Db  Ab  Bbm 

Verse 1:

Gb Db You are here, moving in our midst Ab Bbm I worship you, I worship you Gb Db You are here, working in this place Ab Bbm I worship you, I worship you Gb Db You are here, moving in our midst Ab Bbm I worship you, I worship you Gb Db You are here, working in this place Ab Bbm I worship you, I worship you
Gb Waymaker, miracle worker Db Promise keeper, light in the darkness Ab Bbm My God, that is who you are Gb Waymaker, miracle worker Db Promise keeper, light in the darkness Ab Bbm My God, that is who you are

Verse 2:

Gb Db You are here, touching every heart Ab Bbm I worship you, I worship you Gb Db You are here, healing every heart Ab Bbm I worship you, I worship you Gb Db You are here, turning lives around Ab Bbm I worship you, I worship you Gb Db You are here, you're mending every heart Ab Bbm I worship you, I worship you
Gb Waymaker, miracle worker Db Promise keeper, light in the darkness Ab Bbm My God, that is who you are Gb Waymaker, miracle worker Db Promise keeper, light in the darkness Ab Bbm My God, that is who you are Gb That is who you are Db That is who you are Ab That is who you are Bbm That is who you are
( Gb Db Ab Bbm ) ( Gb Db Ab Bbm )


Gb Even when I don't see it you're working Db Even when I don't feel it you're working Ab You never stop, you never stop working Bbm You never stop, you never stop working
Gb Waymaker, miracle worker Db Promise keeper, light in the darkness Ab Bbm My God, that is who you are Gb Waymaker, miracle worker Db Promise keeper, light in the darkness Ab Bbm My God, that is who you are Gb That is who you are Db That is who you are Ab That is who you are Bbm That is who you are
Final Gb Waymaker, miracle worker Db Promise keeper, light in the darkness Ab Bbm My God, that is who you are Gb Waymaker, miracle worker Db Promise keeper, light in the darkness Ab Bbm My God, that is who you are

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