Bad Company

Feel like making love

Bad Company

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Feel like making love

	  		Intro: Acoustic strum: D / C  
D                            G  
Baby, When I think about you   
                    D   G  
I think about love          
D                         G  
Darling, can't live with out you  
              D G  
And your love          
If I had  
Those golden dreams  
                  D G  
Of my yesterday           
I would wrap you  
In the heaven  
Till I'm dieing          
On the way  

Feel like making              
C D C D C G D Feel like making love C D C D C G D Feel like making love C D C D C G D Feel like making love C G D Feel like making love to you
D G Baby, If I think about you D G I think about love D G Darling, If I live with out you D G I live without love D And If I had G The sun and moon D G and it was shining D I would give you G both night and day D Love satisfiying G C D C D Feel like making Chorus: INST: D And If I had G Those golden dreams D G Of my yesterday D I would wrap you G In the heaven D Till I'm dieing G On the way C D C D Feel like making Chorus: (2)

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