Hide My Demons From You


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Hide My Demons From You

Em C G D B 

Verse 1:

Em Men never cry, we just hide it inside, falling in deeper C I wish I knew why, society taught me to keep up the lie G That I'm alright inside D B That I'm doing just fine, when she asks me if I'm okay Em Cause who will she turn to, if I go show her my flaws C And I'm not at all who she thought I would be That gets her thinking bout leaving cause G I'm not the man that she wants me to be D B The one who never cries


Em I thought she would love me for who I was C G But I was so damn wrong so I'll have to let go D B It's a no, I can't show who I am anymore
Em So I hide my insecurities, I can never let you see C G All the deepest parts of me I don't know if you'll stay another night D B It's true, i'll hide my demons from you Em Cause Now I'm somebody you love, now I'm somebody you trust C G If I try to let you in, You'll just wanna find somebody new D B Must hide my demons from you

Verse 2:

Em This for the masses I'm fighting for people Em I feel too much pressure I'm fighting real evil C I can't open up if I want her to stay C Keep it all bottled up, I'll just lie in the pain. G Rather push it all down I'll just hang tight G You ain't gonna fall in love if it's not right G G You ain't gonna love me back D If you knew how I act D And you saw what I lack B You will leave right


Em I thought she would love me for who I was C G But I was so damn wrong so I'll have to let go D B It's a no, I can't show who I am anymore
Em So I hide my insecurities, I can never let you see C G All the deepest parts of me I don't know if you'll stay another night D B It's true, i'll hide my demons from you Em Cause Now I'm somebody you love, now I'm somebody you trust C G If I try to let you in, You'll just wanna find somebody new D B Must hide my demons from you Outro Em C G D B

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