
Jare Ja


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Jare Ja

Key:  Dm More
Jare Ja Key AmAm
Jare Ja Key A#mA#m
Jare Ja Key BmBm
Jare Ja Key CmCm(one step down)
Jare Ja Key C#mC#m(half step down)
Jare Ja Key DmDm(original key)
Jare Ja Key D#mD#m(half step up)
Jare Ja Key EmEm(one step up)
Jare Ja Key FmFm
Jare Ja Key F#mF#m
Jare Ja Key GmGm
Jare Ja Key G#mG#m

(4/4 count) 
Dm        A#   C 
jare jare ja.... 

(3/4 count) 
Dm C A# C 
Dm C A 

Dm              A#  C 
chader aloy shurjer tej 
Dm         A 
emni jayna pawa 
Dm               A#     C 
shurjo kirone topto birohe 
Dm                 A 
chader shurobhi hoyna 

        F             C 
temni paini e prithibita ghure 
        A#                C 
bondhur othopay hridoy ghure 
          F               C 
sposhto duchokhF drishtir shimanay 
     A#            A 
pichone rekhechi fele 

      Dm       A# 
ekhon to ami ondho hoyechi 
    C            A 
tomari biroho jaale 

     Dm     C        A#        A 
jare ja ure ja pakhi tare bole ja 
      Dm    D#/G    A       Dm 
she jeno amare kokhono bhulena 
          Dm    C        A#         A 
jare ja ure ja pakhi tare bole ja 
      Dm    D#/G    A       Dm 
she jeno amare kokhono bhulena 
          Dm C A# C 
jare jare ja... 
          Dm C A 

Dm                C 
digonter eki thikana 
  A          Dm 
jekhane shimana 
   Dm                 C 
bondhu amar temni bebodhan 
  A       Dm 
emnite oboshan 
       A#       C 
aaj obela bole ja 

    Dm C    A# C 
ure ja  ure ja 
    Dm C A# A 
ure ja... 

     Dm     C        A#        A 
jare ja ure ja pakhi tare bole ja 
      Dm    D#/G    A       Dm 
she jeno amare kokhono bhulena 
          Dm    C        A#         A 
jare ja ure ja pakhi tare bole ja 
      Dm    D#/G    A       Dm 
she jeno amare kokhono bhulena 
          Guitar Solo 
jare jare ja... 

Guitar Solo: 
Dm C A# A 
Dm D#/G A Dm 

Dm     C       A#           A     Dm 
jare jare jare  jare jare jare ja... 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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