Allan Taylor

Lady Of Pleasure

Allan Taylor

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Lady Of Pleasure

Written by Allan Taylor

Intro C 

                                  G       C 
She's a lady of pleasure, she's a lady of joy 
And she has no illusions of grandeur 
        F            C                         G 
You can get what you want when your money's up front 
        C            F         G 
She's a sailor-lad's port in a storm 
  F            G         C 
A sailor-lad's port in a storm 

                                G            C 
For some she's a sweetheart, to some she's a whore 
And for others she's there to come home to 
      F             C                      G 
Well, she knows the score, she's done it before 
     C                F        G 
Just knock and she'll open the door 
F                G        C 
Knock and she'll open the door 

                             G              C 
"Oh, where are you going, my fine feathered friend? 
Have you someone to sleep with tonight? 
          F          C                             G 
If you're willing to pay, you'll have somewhere to stay 
       C            F          G 
I've a nice place a short haul away 
     F      G          C 
It's only a short haul away" 

                                        G             C 
Oh, there's some makes it easy, there's some makes it hard 
Some try to keep it a secret 
          F            C                      G 
But she's there on the tide, just out for the ride 
        C              F          G 
And you know she's got nothing to hide 
    F              G          C 
You know she's got nothing to hide 

C     G   C 
C     G   C 
C     G   C 
C     G   C 

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