
You've Got The Touch


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You've Got The Touch

Year: 1986 - Album: The Essential Alabama

Written by John Jarrard/Lisa Palas/William Robinson

	  		Intro: Em D C G  
Em      C                      G 
Lying beside you, watching you sleeping 
Em           C                  D  
after you’ve loved me, so tenderly 
C                 Bm                    C           Bm    
I’m searching for someway to tell you, how good it felt when I held you 
C                               D 
There’s so many ways you get to me 
G Em C Cause you got the touch, it turns me on and on Am D You light a fire in me that keeps burnin’ strong Bm C Am The longer I'm with you, the deeper and deeper in love I fall G C G You've got the moves, you move me so much, you've got the touch
As you wake up, you pull me closer And whisper good mornin’ warm in my ear Nobody could do that like you do, you make it so easy to love you And I know I will for a million years Chorus

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