Tim Halperin

I Gotta Know

Tim Halperin

cavaco Beginner beginner


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I Gotta Know

	  		Transcribed by Brian Watkins 
INTRO: Em, D, G (repeat 2x's) 

My heart is breaking and I don't know why 
She just turned and looked me in the eye 
                                    C                                        D 
And my mouth hit the floor, speech went out the door 
Guess I'm back to where I started 
Just one look and I knew it wasn't fair 
Those big blue eyes and that long blonde hair 
                                 C                                      D 
She could just stand still, and I'd still lose my will 
To carry on without her 

C So here I am, a mess of a man Em And I don't think I'll ever understand C D I'm caught up in this girl G She could change my world
verse 2 G She's throwing glances, I'm trying not to stare Em I'd make a move, but would she even care C D Bet she's heard it all before, but I can't ignore G That summer dress that she's wearing G And my friends say it's not worth a shot Em I could lose my pride and that's all that I got C D Still I give it a go, I've just gotta know G If I can live without her
C So here I am, a mess of a man Em And I don't think I'll ever understand C D I'm caught up in this girl G She could change my world
Em, D, G Em D G She could change my world Em, D, G Oh my world Em D G She could change my world Chorus C So here I am, a mess of a man Em And I don't think I'll ever understand C D I'm caught up in this girl G She could change my world G Em D G I've gotta know G Em D G I've gotta know G Em D G I've gotta know Em D G If I can live without her Em D G If I can live without her

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