The National


The National

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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Key:  A More
Peggy-o Key EE
Peggy-o Key FF
Peggy-o Key F#F#
Peggy-o Key GG(one step down)
Peggy-o Key G#G#(half step down)
Peggy-o Key AA(original key)
Peggy-o Key A#A#(half step up)
Peggy-o Key BB(one step up)
Peggy-o Key CC
Peggy-o Key C#C#
Peggy-o Key DD
Peggy-o Key D#D#
Intro: A 


A                  D            A 
    As we rode on out to Fennario, 
A                  F#m   C#m 
    As we rode on out to Fennario, 
     D                   A              E      F#m 
Our captain fell in love... with a lady like a dove 
    A                  D                 A 
And called her by her name, pretty Peggy-O. 


A                     D               A 
    Will you marry me... pretty Peggy-O, 
                  F#m       C#m 
will you marry me... pretty Peggy-O? 
   D                 A                    E      F#m 
If you will marry me, oh... I'll set your cities free 
    A            D                     A 
And free all the ladies... in the area-O. 


A                         D              A 
    Oh, I would marry you, sweet William-O, 
A                         F#m      C#m 
    Oh, I would marry you... sweet William-O 
    D                 A                       E   F#m 
Oh, I would marry you... but your guineas are too few 
      A       D                   A 
And I fear my mama would be angry-O. 


A                              D               A 
    What would your mama think... pretty Peggy-O, 
A                              F#m       C#m 
    What would your mama think... pretty Peggy-O, 
     D                     A                  E     F#m 
What would your mama think... if she heard my guineas clink 
    A                      D                   A 
And saw me marching at the head of my soldiers-O? 


A                          D               A 
    Oh, if I ever I return... pretty Peggy-O, 
A                      F#m       C#m 
    If I ever I return... pretty Peggy-O, 
    D                  A                E   F#m 
Oh, if I ever I return... your cities I will burn 
    A                 D                A 
And destroy all the ladies in the area-O. 


A                          D                   A 
    Come steppin' down the stairs pretty Peggy-O, 
A                          F#m           C#m 
    Come steppin' down the stairs pretty Peggy-O, 
     D                 A                        E     F#m 
Come steppin' down the stairs combin' back your yellow hair 
A              D                  A 
Bid a last farewell to your William-O. 


A                            D              A 
    Sweet William he is dead... pretty Peggy-O, 
A                            F#m       C#m 
    Sweet William he is dead... pretty Peggy-O, 
      D                  A              E     F#m 
Sweet William he is dead... and he died for a maid 
         A                   D          A 
And he's buried in the Louisiana country-O. 


A                 D              A 
    As we rode on out, to Fennario, 
A                 F#m    C#m 
    As we rode on out to Fennario 
    D                    A              E      F#m 
Our captain fell in love... with a lady like a dove, 
    A                 D                  A 
And called her by her name, pretty Peggy-O. 

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Half key step downHalf key step down
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