Sufjan Stevens

The Lakes Of Canada

Sufjan Stevens

cavaco Beginner beginner


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The Lakes Of Canada

	  		enjoy, this is a fun song to play. 

Standard tuning and all, capo on 4 please. 

F                   C 
Look for me another day. 
I feel that I could change, 
I feel that I could change. 
F                           C 
There's a sudden joy that's like 
a fish, a moving light; 
I thought I saw it 
F                       C 
rowing on the lakes of Canada 

            Dm                 C 
Oh laughing man, what have you won? 
              Am             F  
Don't tell me what cannot be done. 
          Dm               C 
My little mouth, my winter lungs, 
              Am             F 
don't tell me what can't be done. 

Standard tuning and all, capo on 2 please. 

C                     G  
Walking in the circle of a flashlight 
        D                       Am  
someone starts to sing, to join in. 
C                     G  
Talk of loneliness in quiet voices. 
     D                          Am   
I am shy but you can reach me. 
C                         G 
Rowing on the lakes of Canada, 
C                         G 
Rowing on the lakes of Canada, 

            C                  G  
Oh laughing man, what have you won? 
              Em                 Am 
Don't tell me what cannot be done. 
            C                G 
My little mouth, my winter lungs, 
              Em                 Am 
don't tell me what cannot be done. 

Yeah, you did it. 
Please let me know if you find errors. 


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