Small Faces

I Feel Much Better

Small Faces



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I Feel Much Better

Written by Ronnie Lane/Steve Marriott/Ian McLagan

	  		F                G# 
Easy and lazy we go, 
D#                   C#      F 
It seems so hazy and slow, ( Shoop shoop doo waddy waddy) 
F                              G#  
Long before the long before we know, (Shang a langa danga toolay,) 
D#                           C# F 
Times were so high they were looow. 
F        Bb 
I'm only writing a rhyme, 
D#            C# 
Don't find me taking my time, 
F                 Bb  
Please pass me my glass of wine, 
D#          C#      D#          C# 
I feel much better, I feel much better, 
D#             F  
I feel much, ( Shoop shoop doo waddy waddy) 
Please feel at home to come and go, (Shang a langa danga toolay,) 
Easy and lazy and slow, ( Shoop shoop doo waddy waddy) 
Smiling so nicely to know, (Shang a langa danga toolay,) 
Winds of good fortune must blow your way. 
These things won't come in a day, 
These things are coming to stay, 
There's really not much to say, 
I feel much better,I feel much better, 
I feel much 
End:  F  D#   F  D#  G# (2x)  G  F  G  F  Bb (2X) 
by: José Duarte 
[email protected] 


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