Scotty Emerick

Where's My Beer

Scotty Emerick

cavaco Beginner beginner

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Where's My Beer

Written by Scotty Emerick

	  		Tabbed by: jdomary 
For all the A's in the verse you can use both A and A7 
Intro:  E  A  E  A  E  A7 
Verse 1: 
    E                        A7 
You ain't over there at your sister's, 
    E                     A7 
You ain't on my telephone line 
          E                    A7 
You ain't nowhere around and I just found out 
              C                         D 
You ain't the only thing that's hard to find 
           G        D 
Where's my beer, oh dear 
         C                          D                 
I coulda sworn that I set the thing down 
           G              D 
Right over here, It's not there 
    C                      D     
And things don't just disappear right into  
     G         D    
Thin air, like you                                        
               C                        D 
You're off somewhere and you just don't care 
Where's my beer 
Verse 2: 
            E                     A7 
I guess you wasn't just whistlin' Dixie 
         E                      A7 
When you said we were over this time 
             E              A7 
and you just had to go, now wouldn't you know 
    C                   D 
Not only have I lost my mind,  
Repeat Chorus 
Piano Solo 
Repeat Chorus 


Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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