Scotty Emerick

Enjoy Yourself

Scotty Emerick


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Enjoy Yourself

	  		Intro - G - D - Am - D - G 
(verse 1) 
IF you hear music from down the street, 
And you find yourself tappin your feet, 
Just ease on by if you want to,  
        Cadd9                   D 
there's only one thing that's expected of you, 

G Enjoy yourself, have a big time, D Dance a little dance, drink a little wine, Am D Come on in the water is fine, G Enjoy yourself let it all hang out, D And you'll know exactly what I'm talkin about, Am D IF you come one over without a doubt, G - D - Am - D - G You'll enjoy yourself,
(verse 2) D Now you don't have to wonder, what to wear, Cadd9 What in the world are you doin alone over there, D While we're havin a ball, just shakin it loose, Cadd9 D Now come on sweet baby, there ain't no excuse,
G Enjoy yourself, have a big time, D Dance a little dance, drink a little wine, Am D Come on in the water is fine, G Enjoy yourself let it all hang out, D And you'll know exactly what I'm talkin about, Am D IF you come one over without a doubt, G You'll enjoy yourself,
(lead - G - D - Am - D - G) (chorus) G Enjoy yourself let it all hang out, D And you'll know exactly what I'm talkin about, Am D IF you come one over without a doubt, G You'll enjoy yourself, Am D So come on over you're gonna really help out, G Am - D - G - (D G) Enjoy yourself,

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