
Bringing Me Down To My Knees


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Bringing Me Down To My Knees

Year: 2001 - Album: Room Service

Written by Per Gessle

	  		C      Am   F                      G    Am F C G 
 Oh oh oh... Bringing me down to my knees. 
 C             Am         F                    G 
 Been thinking about you. Without even trying, I've done it. 
 C                 Am         F              G 
 There's something about you. I can't put my finger on it. 
 F                                    C               G 
 Monday was fine and I was on a high. Oh you thrilled me. 
 F                                              Am     G 
 I should be alright but Friday I died when you killed me. 
                                   C      Am 
 You're bringing me down to my knees, oh oh. 
 F                   G                 C     Am 
 Love me forever or baby, just let it go, oh oh. 
 F                         G                              C       Am 
 I'm begging you please to ease, allow your feelings to show, oh oh. 
 F                             G                      C 
 You're bringing me down to my knees 'cos I love you so. 
 C                    Am                 F          G 
 If your love is strong, I want to be so sure about it. 
 C                 Am          F            G 
 Oh, is it all wrong to go on talking about it? 
 F                                             C       G 
 Monday was fine, yea the hours went by like a summer breeze. 
 F                                                          Am       G 
 But way down the line you might make up your mind and it's time to freeze. 
 You're bringing me down to my knees, oh oh... 
 Solo: D Bm G A (2x) 
                                   D      Bm 
 You're bringing me down to my knees, oh oh. 
 G                   A                D      Bm 
 Love me forever or baby, just let it go, oh oh. 
 G                          A                            D       Bm 
 I'm begging you please to ease, allow your feelings to show, oh oh. 
 G                              A                                      D Bm  
 You're bringing me down to my knees 'cos I love you, 'cos I love you so... 
 G                       A            D Bm      
 Bringing me down to my knees...Hey baby... 
 G                             A                             Bm G Bm A 
 You're begging you please to ease, allow your feelings to show... 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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