Reba McEntire

Take it Back

Reba McEntire

cavaco Expert expert

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Take it Back

G F C F C 
You talked me into moving in and giving you my keys 
You said you'd be a mess now if it hadn't been for me 
You said I stole your heart away by looking in your eyes 
I wonder now how many times you sold that pack of lies 

F G If this is how you act when you give your heart away C Well take it back, Take it back
You told me I was everything you wanted and more C7 Then tell me what you're doing now sneaking out the back door F You're bringing home flowers and a bottle of Chablis C You forgot I don't drink wine I know that bottle's not for me (Guitar instrumental) C C7 F C F G C F *Oh you must think I'm blind and I don't smell your new cologne D G You don't think I notice all the nights I've spent alone C Well, I'm not one for sitting 'round in some ole pity pool C7 You think you got a ticket and I must be some kind of fool F I hate to steal your thunder but your playing days are through C At least they are with me 'cause babe, I got no use for you F G Tonight laying on the street Babe, your bags is packed C So, take it back Ah take it back (saxophone inst)C C7 F C F G C C (F G F C)

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