Post Malone


Post Malone

cavaco Easy easy


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Written by Louis Bell / Post Malone / ​watt

	  		Intro C  D  Em  D/F#  G 
      C  D  Em  Bm 
      C  D  Em  D/F#  G 
      C  G/B  Am 

Verse 1:

C D Em D/F# G I just bought a new Lamborghini C Bm Em Bm That SOB goes 225 C D Em D/F# G You called my phone, said you wanted to see me C G/B Am I couldn't think of a better reason to drive


C D Em Lead pedal D/F# G C D Em Bm For your lovin’ I would run all the lights C D Em Won't let go D/F# G C G/B Am And I can't wait to push my speedometer
C D Em D/F# G Push my, push my, push my, push C D Em Bm Speedometer C D Em D/F# G Push my, push my, push my, push C G/B Am Speedometer

Verse 2:

C D Em D/F# G Turn the lights off C D Em Bm C And put the record on D Em D/F# G That you showed me that makes you so horny C G/B Am Let’s make a baby tonight


C D Em Lead pedal D/F# G C D Em Bm For your lovin’ I would run all the lights C D Em Damn, uh-oh D/F# G C G/B Am Yes, I know how fast I was going, please, officer
C D Em D/F# G Push my, push my, push my, push C D Em Bm Speedometer C D Em D/F# G Push my, push my, push my, push C G/B Am Speedometer ( C D Em D/F# G ) C D Em Bm My speedometer ( C D Em D/F# G ) C G/B Am Speedometer ( C D Em D/F# G ) C D Em Bm My speedometer C D Em D/F# G Push my, push my, push my C G/B Am G Push my, push my, push my, push

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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