Paul Alan

When The Sun Goes Down

Paul Alan

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When The Sun Goes Down


Some of the Chords of this song are Played like these: 

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A C#m e 0--------------- e 0---------------- B 0--------------- B 0---------------- G 2--------------- G 6---------------- D 2--------------- D 6---------------- A 0--------------- A 4---------------- E X--------------- E X----------------
Verse I E A She got the job in LA C#m E And there's so much that he had to say C#m Still only silence B A....Am.... Then the moment slipped away Verse II E A She took the red eye out of Baltimore C#m E And the irony is hard to ignore C#m Life's full of goodbyes B A....Bsus(Hold) To the ones we're living for E A E Bsus(Break) tot.tot.totototot.tot.totototot.tot.totototoooh! Chorus 1 A E B And she calls to say hello C#m Every now and then A E B And in between he does the best he can A E B If she's happy he'll survive F# But it's cold here C#m B A....Bsus(Hold) When the sun goes down Verse III E A He drives a cab in DC C#m E Trying to make ends meet C#m He says he still misses her B A As regret rolls down his cheek Bsus Then he turns on my street Chorus 2 A E B And she calls to say hello C#m Every now and then A E B And in between he does the best he can A E B If she's happy he'll survive F#m But it's lonely C#m B A When the sun goes down C#m B Am When the sun goes down E A E Bsus(Break) tot.tot.totototot.tot.totototot.tot.totototoooh! Interlude: A-E-B-C#m-A-E-B-Bsus(Hold) Chorus 3 A E B C#m She'll leave a message on the phone every father's day A E B And for a while it helps to ease the pain A E B F# He'll pray to Jesus now and then and keep hoping C#m B A 'Till the sun goes down E B C#m And someone calls to say hello every now and then A E B And in between we do the best we can A E B We keep believing through the fog F# That we'll see clear C#m B A When the sun goes down C#m B A When the sun goes down C#m B Am When the sun goes down E She got the job in LA

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See also:

chords Rommel Guevarra - Ikaw Lamang

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