Maroon 5

If You Only Knew

Maroon 5



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If You Only Knew

C5, A5, A5, G5 
think one two THREE for rhythm maybe pluck just the bass note for the first two hang on  
three a bit 
my altered version 
Cm7 Am7 A7 G (power chord with added 3rd on 4th string or G played like an F without the  
highest strings) 

2nd half of verses/ bridge to Chorus 
B5, C5, D5, D5, D#5 or Eb5 

C5, E5, F5, D5 

guitar solo at end is over the Chorus progression the bridge instumental part is pretty  
a do whatever you want part with slides and stuff 
okay heres the song with chords placed as close as possible the verse is weird when  
the vocals to the chords 

If You Only Knew 

verse progression 4x (C5  A5, A5, G5) 

come in on G5 4th time 

verse 1 

          C5          A5       A5       G5         
     A5  A5  G5 
I wake up thoughts of you tied to to my mind as I wonder, 

        C5               A5        A5         G5      
  A5  A5  G5 
What to wear what to eat who to be will I see you again, 

B5        C5              D5 
And as my car breaks down I shake my head and say, 

What a day,  hey hey 


C5          E5        F5                    D5 
If you only knew what I went though just to get to you, 

C5               E5      F5                  D5 
I'm hanging from you and I'll hold on if you want me to, 

verse 2 riff for 2x come in on 2nd G5 

      C5         A5           A5         G5      C5 
Every bus, every train, every cab, every lane is jammed, 

     C5              A5          A5         G5 
So I look to the sky and I reach for planes with my hands, 

B5        C5                 D5 
If all my days go wrong I'll think about last night, 

It went right, hey hey 


C5          E5        F5                    D5 
If you only knew what I went though just to get to you 

C5               E5      F5                  D5 
I'm hanging from you and I'll hold on if you want me to 

Instumental Bridge slide around or chromatic stuff at end 

Last Chorus guitar improv outro starts during 

C5          E5        F5                    D5 
If you only knew what I went though just to get to you, hey 

C5           E5      F5                      D5 
I'm swinging you and there's nothing i would rather do 

Guitar Outro 
make sure to slide down at end 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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