Lori Mckenna


Lori Mckenna

cavaco Easy easy


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Key:  C More
Salt Key GG
Salt Key G#G#
Salt Key AA
Salt Key A#A#(one step down)
Salt Key BB(half step down)
Salt Key CC(original key)
Salt Key C#C#(half step up)
Salt Key DD(one step up)
Salt Key D#D#
Salt Key EE
Salt Key FF
Salt Key F#F#

Verse 1:

C I pay for my room and I try to forget it Bb It'd kill me I knew, the memory, if I let it F C Hearts don't fly but they can run like hell when they have to (C) I didn't leave you a note, I didn't leave you a photo Bb I didn't leave you a chance, but I left you, I guess you know F C You're wondering now how long it'll take before I start missing you
Bb But you ain't worth the time Am You ain't worth the pain G F You ain't worth the spit in my mouth when I scream out your name Bb Am You ain't worth the life they hand out in a town this small G F You ain't worth the sound of the TV from the room down the hall C Or my weight in salt

Verse 2:

(C) Six years of crying, that's all that you gave me Bb Not one more thing, not even a baby F C We were close one time but I guess God is smarter than I am (C) You broke every promise, you broke every whisper Bb You broke every vow the moment you kissed her F C And you never thought twice, you never gave a damn
Bb But you ain't worth the time Am You ain't worth the pain G F You ain't worth the spit in my mouth when I scream out your name Bb Am You ain't worth the life they hand out in a town this small G F You ain't worth the sound of the TV from the room down the hall C Or my weight in salt


G All of the salt, gathered from tears F Carefully collected from journals and prayers C G Am F C It'd take you a month of Sundays to lift with a spoon Am F C To pour on the wound
Bb But you ain't worth the time Am You ain't worth the pain G F You ain't worth the spit in my mouth when I scream out your name Bb Am You ain't worth the cost to repair the hole in the kitchen drywall G F You ain't worth the good advice written on a dirty bathroom stall C Or my weight in salt
OUTRO: C I paid for my room and I tried to forget it Bb It'd kill me I knew, the memory, if I let it F C Hearts don't fly but they can run like hell when they have to

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