Kelly Family

Take My Hand

Kelly Family

cavaco Beginner beginner


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Take My Hand

D A So take my hand, you are my brother. A7 D So take my hand, you are my sister. D D7 G So take my hand, we need each other, D A D don't try to walk the road alone!
Verse I: D A Through the dark, we'll walk together. A7 D through the rain, forget the weather. D D7 G through the storm, we'll sing a song, D A D why try to walk the road alone? Verse II: D A I take your hand, I need my brother. A7 D I take your hand, I need my sïster, D D7 G I take your hand, we need each other, D A D don't leave to walk the road alone, D A D don't leave to walk the road alone. Chorus II(faster): D A So take my hand, you are my brother. A7 D So take my hand, you are my sister. D D7 G So take my hand, we need each other, D A D don't try to walk the road alone! D A D don't try to walk the road alone! Verse I: D A Through the dark, we'll walk together. A7 D through the rain, forget the weather. D D7 G through the storm, we'll sing a song, D A D why try to walk the road alone? D A D why try to walk the road alone? Verse II: D A I take your hand, I need my brother. A7 D I take your hand, I need my sïster, D D7 G I take your hand, we need each other, D A D don't leave to walk the road alone, D A D don't leave to walk the road alone. Final Chorus: D A So take my hand, you are my brother. A7 D So take my hand, you are my sister. D D7 G So take my hand, we need each other, D A D don't leave to walk the road alone, D A D don't leave to walk the road alone, D A D don't try to walk the road alone!

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