John Anderson

Wild And Blue

John Anderson


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Wild And Blue

Written by John Scott Sherrill

Performed by John Anderson 
Written by John Scott Sherrill 
(A)Way across town, a phone rings off the wall 
If you (E)know he ain't home, why (A)do you keep callin' 
You're gonna drive yourself crazy and you know that it's true 
It's (E)making you wild and (A)blue. 
(A)Wild and (D)blue, it's no (A)wonder (D)Look at the things that you (A) do (E) (A)They could take you up to yonder, honey You're (E)already wild and (A)blue.
(A)In somebody's room on the far side of town With your (E)mind all made up and the (A)shades all pulled down Someone is trying to satisfy you He (E)don't know you're wild and you're (A)blue. CHORUS It's four in the mornin' and you're all alone With (E)no place to go why (A)don't you come home I'll be right here, baby, waitin' for you I (E)know you've been wild and (A)blue. CHORUS ======================================================= | Submitted by: Gene Graham | | [email protected] El Paso, Texas | =======================================================

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