Jethro Tull

Singing All Day

Jethro Tull


by  MAX(BA)

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Singing All Day

Year: 1972 - Album: Living in the Past

Singing all day singing 'bout nothing  
Singing all day singing 'bout nothing  
Singing all day singing 'bout nothing  
Em             D5       Em           D5  
Ooh my my my, Ooh my my my  
All verses same as verse 1  
Went down to the station to look for her there  
Lokked through the crowd for a glimpse of her hair  
Nothing to see but the crowds keep a staring  
At me my my, Ooh my my my  
Down in the street trying to remember  
Shuffling my feet outside a menswear  
Is that her in the fur coat no it's not December  
Yet my my my, Ooh my my my  
Flute solo over Em  
Em                           B  
Singing all day singing 'bout nothing  
Em                            B  
Singing all day singing 'bout nothing  
Back to the house maybe she'll phone me  
Singing my song feeling so lonely  
I sing very softly so if the phone rings  
I can hear it, I can hear it  
Singing all day singing 'bout nothing  
Singing all day singing 'bout nothing  
Singing all day singing 'bout nothing  
Ooh my my my, Ooh my my my  
Flute solo to fade over Em 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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