Jethro Tull

Locomotive Breath

Jethro Tull

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Locomotive Breath

Year: 1972 - Album: Aqualung

Written by Ian Anderson

Intro: Em      G D Em
       Em      G D Em
Em                Em  G D Em
In the shuffling madness
Em                  Em  G D Em
of Locomotive Breath
Em                Em  G D B
Runs the all-time loser
B                B  B D Em
Headlong to his death
Em                Em  G D Em
Oh He feels the pistons scraping
Em                Em  G D 
Steam Breaking on his brow
G                   A
Old Charlie stole the handle
        B                         B      D       Em
And the train it won't stop going no way to slow down
He sees his children jumping off
At stations one by one
His woman and his best friend
In bed and having fun
Oh he's crawling down the corridor
On his hands and knees
Old Charlie stole the handle
And the train it won't stop going no way to slow down
He hears the silence howling
Catches angels as they fall
And the all-time winner
Has got him by the balls
Oh he picks up gideon's Bible
Open at page one
I thank god He stole the handle
And the train it won't stop going no way to slow down...

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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