Jethro Tull

Jump Start

Jethro Tull


by  MAX(BA)

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Jump Start

Year: 2005 - Album: Catfish Rising

Written by Ian Anderson

	  		D                       D5/C          D/Bb               G      D5  
In the dark of the city backwoods, something stirs then slips away.  
D                       D5/C          D/Bb               G      D5  A  
Law and order in darkest Knightsbridge. Crime and punishment at play.  
A                              F           G5  
Hey, Mr. Policeman won't you come on over. Hook me up to the power lines  
          D5 RIFF  
of your love.  
D5              F       D5  
Jump start, or tow me away.  
D5              Bb      D5  
Jump start, or tow me away.  
D5                       D5/C          D/Bb               G      D5  
And through the bruised machinery, the smoking haze of industry.  
D                       D5/C          D/Bb               G      D5  
Another day with ball and chain. I do my time, then home again.  
A                           F          G  
Hey, Mrs. Maggie won't you come on over.Hook me up to the powerlines  
           D5   D5/Bb                 D5/G                  D5 D/C D/Bb D/G  
of your love.       Hook me up to the powerlines of your love  
A A/G A/F  D5  
D5              F       D5  
Jump start, or tow me away.  
D5              Bb      D5  
Jump start, or tow me away.  
Well, should I blame the officers? Or maybe, I should blame the priest?  
Or should I blame the poor foot soldier  
who's left to make the most from least?  
Hey, Jack Ripper won't you come on over. Hook me up to the power lines  
of your love.  
Jump start, or tow me away.  
You can blame the newsman talking at you on the satellite T.V.  
And if you're fighting for your shipyards, you might as well just blame the sea.  
Hey, Mr. Weatherman come on over. Hook me up to the power lines  
of your love.  
Jump start, or tow me away.  

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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