Glen Campbell

The Savior I Sing Of Today

Glen Campbell

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The Savior I Sing Of Today

	  		Intro:   G# G D#m  D#m7 G# F# G C# 

verse 1 

C#            C7        C#          Bb   D#m          Bb              D#m 
If I had just one song, one song to sing to the world that we live in today. 
Bb  F         F7      Bbm                 D#          D#m              D#m7  F# G# F# G G# 
I'd sing of a love, a wonderful love that helps me to walk down life's way. 
C#              C7  C#           Bb     D#m         Bb       D#m 
I'd sing of the one who loves me so. He knows every breath I take. 


F#                  C#       Bb7     D#m            G#          C# 
He's such a friend, on Him I depend, To guide every step that I take. 
G Cm Bb7 D#m G# He suffered and died that I might live. And praise Him is little to say. C# C7 C# Bb7 D#m G# C# I know you'd sing too If you only knew, this Savior I sing of today.
C7 C# Bb7 D#m Bb7 D#m Outro F# F#m C# Bb7 D#m G# Fm Bb7 He's such a friend, on Him I depend. This Savior I sing of today. D#m G# C# F# F#m C# My Savior I sing of today. flyinglibra51 God Bless Glen Travis Campbell

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