Glen Campbell

I Could Never Be Ashamed Of You

Glen Campbell

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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I Could Never Be Ashamed Of You

Written by Hank Williams

Intro:  A A7   Em Em7   D  G  D 

verse 1 

D7   D             G      A 
Everybody says you let me down  
         A7 Em         A        D     Em  
I should be ashamed to take you round 
A        D      D7  Am       D       G 
Makes no difference what you used to do  
        A         A7  Em   A        D 
Darling I could never be ashamed of you 
D7 G Gmaj7 G D G D Maybe you were reckless yesterday E E7 A G (walk down to D) but together we can find a brighter way D G A In my heart I know that you'll come through A7 Em A D G D Darling I could never be ashamed of you G# A Em A D Bb (Darling I could never be ashamed of you)
verse 2 Bb D# D#7 Bb All the happiness I've ever known Bb7 D# came the day you said you'd be my own Bb Bb7 G# And it matters not what we go through Bb Fm Bb D# (walk up to D#) Darling I could never be ashamed of you
G# D# Maybe you were cheated in the past F F7 F Bb Bb7 and perhaps old memories will always last D# G# Bb But in my heart I know that you'll come through Fm Bb Bb7 Fm Bb D# G# D# Darling I could never be ashamed of you

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