George Jones

Brown to Blue

George Jones


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Brown to Blue

Written by George Jones

	  		(A) We stood there in the courthouse room so (D) close yet far apart, 
(E7) You had brought your lawyer and I'd (A) brought a broken heart, 
The judge pronounced the words the way you (D) wanted him to do, 
And (E7) changed your name from Brown to Jones, 
And mine from Brown to (A) Blue.   (A7) 
I (D) couldn't keep my tears from falling, 
(A) On the courtroom floor,  (A7) 
By (D) law, they took away my rights, 
To (A) love you any- (E7) more, 
My (A) world just seemed to stop, 
While I stood (D) there so close to you, 
They (E7)changed your name from Brown to Jones, 
And mine from Brown to (A) Blue. 
(A) The judge forgot to tell me how I'd (D) live my life alone, 
What (E7) I would do without you after (A) loving you so long, 
He didn't seem to care that I am (D) still in love with you, 
He (E7) changed your name from Brown to Jones, 
And mine from Brown to (A) Blue.   (A7) 
I (D) couldn't keep my tears from falling, 
(A) On the courtroom floor,   (A7) 
By (D) law, they took away my rights, 
To (A) love you any- (E7) more, 
My (A) world just seemed to stop, 
While I stood (D) there so close to you, 
They (E7) changed your name from Brown to Jones, 
And mine from Brown to (A) Blue. 

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