Emmylou Harris

Well Sweep Out The Ashes

Emmylou Harris

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Well Sweep Out The Ashes

Written by Joyce Allsup

	  		C                                           F 
We know it's wrong  to let this fire burn between us 

      C                                          G7 
We've got to stop this wild desire in you and in me 

         C                                                 F 
So we'll let the flame burn once again until the thrill is gone 

F                        G7           C 
Then we'll sweep out the ashes in the morning 

          F                                C 
We're two people caught up in a flame that has to die out soon 

  F                                  C           G7 
I didn't mean to start this fire and neither did you 

C                                                         F 
So tonight when you hold me tight we'll let the fire burn on 

F                       G7           C 
And we'll sweep out the ashes in the morning 

C                                                      F 
Each time when we meet we both agree that it's for the last time 

    C                              G7 
But out of your arms I'm out of my mind 

         C                                                     F 
So we'll taste the thrill of stolen love tonight until the dawning 

F                       G7           C 
And we'll sweep out the ashes in the morning 

G7        C                                                     F 
Yes we'll taste the thrill of stolen love tonight until the dawning 

F                       C 
And we'll sweep out the ashes 

F                   C 
We'll sweep out the ashes 

F                   G7           C 
We'll sweep out the ashes in the morning 

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