Chris Hillman

Somewhere On Road Tonight

Chris Hillman


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Somewhere On Road Tonight

	  		A                D            E                           A 
Somewhere on the road tonight thought I heard you call my name 
                           D            E              A  
Thought I saw you standing in the light in the pouring rain 
                     D          C#7                        F#m   B7 
Thought I heard your foot steps turned around and you were gone 
                 D            E                  A 
Somewhere on the road tonight I'm dreaming about home 
                       D      E                 A 
Burning both ends of a candle days keep rolling by 
                          D      E                       A 
Sometimes more than I can handle can't you hear me when I cry 
               G     D             E                  F#m 
Come  hold me  close tonight don't wake me from this dream 
                 Bm/D           E                      A 
Somewhere on the road tonight  you're still here with me 
A                D            E                           A 
Somewhere on the road tonight thought I heard you call my name 
                           D            E              A  
Thought I saw you standing in the light in the pouring rain 
                     D          C#7                        F#m   B7 
Thought I heard your foot steps turned around and you were gone 
                 D            E                  A 
Somewhere on the road tonight I'm dreaming about home 
                      D     E                     A 
Saw the sun rise over Texas watched it set in Tennessee 
                       D     E               A              
And those night in Oklahoma always in my memory 
                       G      D    E                   F#m    
And memories  seem  to find  you   come at you late at night 
                       Bm/D     E                      A 
And if lonely is a bad feeling  how come it feels all right 
B                E            F#                           B 
Somewhere on the road tonight thought I heard you call my name 
                           E            F#             B  
Thought I saw you standing in the light in the pouring rain 
                     E          D#7                        G#m   C#7 
Thought I heard your foot steps turned around and you were gone 
                 E            F#                  B 
Somewhere on the road tonight I'm dreaming about home 
Bar None Music Inc.-Matilija Music BMI 
>From Out Of The Woodwork 
Larry & Tony Rice/Chris Hillman/Herb Pedersen  
Rounder Records 1997 


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