Brandon Lake

Miracle Child

Brandon Lake

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Miracle Child

Written by Brandon Lake / Ethan Hulse / Jacob Sooter


Intro C  Am  G  F 

Verse 1:

C I shouldn't be alive Am My future was six-feet under G One foot in the grave F No hope to be saved, yeah C I shouldn't be alive C Am But I'm a miracle child, defied every diagnosis G F And as close as it came I can stand here and say C I'm a miracle child
F C G Am G Death, where is your sting, My Savior's word is fi--nal F C/E I am resurrected, blood-protected G C I am a miracle child

Verse 2:

C If you're facing the odds Am If you think you're beyond His saving G There's no life He can't raise F No, your wounds aren't too great C He's a miracle God C 'Cause He shouldn't be alive Am His body was six-feet under G Three days in the grave F But that stone rolled away C Yeah, our God is alive


C You're the living, breathing God of glory I'm a living, breathing testimony C You're the one who turns a dead-end story To a living, breathing testimony


(2) C/E F You're the living, breathing God of glory Am G I'm a living, breathing testimony C/E F You're the one who turns a dead-end story C/G G To a living, breathing testimony
Final F C/E I've been crucified, raised with Christ G C I am a miracle child!

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See also:

chords Rommel Guevarra - Ikaw Lamang

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