Bob Dylan

Tonight Ill Be Staying Here With You (live)

Bob Dylan

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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Tonight Ill Be Staying Here With You (live)

Written by Bob Dylan


| D C#m | Bm E | D C#m | Bm E | 
| A | A Asus4 | A | % |  

A          D                  A 
  Throw my ticket in the wind 
A          D                 A  
  Throw my mattress out that door (out there too ?) 
         D       C#m    Bm 
Throw my letters in the sand 
          D      C#m  Bm 
Cause you got to understand 
         A           D                A 
That tonight I'll be staying here with you  

| A D | % | A | % | 

A              D                 A 
  I could have left this town by noon 
      A         D                  A  
But tonight I'd been to some place new 
          D         C#m        Bm 
But I was feelin' a little bit scattered  
         D        C#m      Bm 
And your love was all that mattered 
     A                  D                 A 
So tonight when I'll be staying here with you  
    D               A             D                 A 
Get ready, 'cause tonight I'll be staying here with you 

Bb                       A 
  Is it really any wonder 
Bb                                   A   
  The changes we put on each other's heads 
C#                                D 
 You came down on me like roarinā?? thunder 
Bm                          | E | D | C#m Cm | Bm break  
 I left my dreams on the riverbed 

I can hear that lonesome whistle blowin' 
A            D             A  
 I hear them semis roarin' too  
             D      C#m    Bm 
If there's a driver on the road 
     D       C#m     Bm 
Then let him have my load 
         A             D                A 
'Cause tonight I'll be staying here with you  

| A D | A | % | 

| Bb | % | A | % | 
| Bb | % | A | % | 
| C# | % | D | D D/C# |  
| Bm | % | E | D | C#m Cm | Bm break |  

I can hear that lonesome whistle blowin' 
A            D             A  
 I hear them semis roarin' too  
             D      C#m    Bm 
If there's a driver on the road 
     D       C#m     Bm 
Then let him have my load 
         A             D                 A     D 
'Cause tonight I'll be staying here with you 
         A             D                 A 
'Cause tonight I'll be staying here with you 

| D C#m | Bm E | D C#m | Bm E | A 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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