Allie X


Allie X

cavaco Easy easy


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Written by Allie X

	  		Intro: Gm  Dm  F  C 

Verse 1:

Gm Love is a condition of the head Dm Wanna push a button and reset F C But you're still up in my skirt Gm I thought if you had a piece of me Dm I could keep the other 2 or 3 F C But, no, that's not how it works


D# A# I shouldn't be here right now F But you got me figured out Dm D# Pushing my pieces round, I know this game A# And I need a miracle F To break from this ritual Dm Till then I'll be saying the same thing
Gm Take me downtown Dm Use my body all night F Make me feel like last time C Make it taste like love Gm Take me downtown Dm Yours until my heart dies F Give it up one last time C Give it up for love Gm Dm (Oh oh ooh) Give it up, give it up F C (Oh oh ooh) Give it up, give it up

Verse 2:

Gm Love is a condition of the head Dm There is no prescription to forget F C So you're all over my brain Gm You're the blue fix that makes me run Dm I'll do anything to get me some F C Stop me before it's too late


D# A# I shouldn't be here right now F But you got me figured out Dm D# Pushing my pieces round, I know this game A# And I need a miracle F To break from this ritual Dm Till then I'll be saying the same thing
Gm Take me downtown Dm Use my body all night F Make me feel like last time C Make it taste like love Gm Take me downtown Dm Yours until my heart dies F Give it up one last time C Give it up for love Gm Dm (Oh oh ooh) Give it up, give it up F C (Oh oh ooh) Give it up, give it up Gm Dm (Oh oh ooh) Give it up, give it up F C (Oh oh ooh) Give it up, give it up
( Gm Dm F C ) ( Gm Dm F C )
Gm Take me downtown Dm Use my body all night F Make me feel like last time C Make it taste like love Gm Take me downtown Dm Yours until my heart dies F Give it up one last time C Give it up for love Gm Dm (Oh oh ooh) Give it up, give it up F C (Oh oh ooh) Give it up, give it up Gm Dm (Oh oh ooh) Give it up, give it up F C (Oh oh ooh) Give it up, give it up

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

See also:


Other versions:

cavaco Cidade Negra - Downtown
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