A Fine Frenzy

Ashes And Wine

A Fine Frenzy

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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Ashes And Wine

Intro: D# Fm G# D# 

      D#                Fm 
Don't know what to do anymore 
      G#                              D# 
I've lost the only love worth fighting for 
      D#                    Fm                 G# 
I'll drown in my tear storming sea, that would show you, 
That would make you hurt like me 
           Fm    Fm G# 
All the same, 
                      G#   D# 
I don't want mud-slinging games 
             Fm  Fm   G# 
It's just a shame to let you walk away 

Is there a chance, 
A fragment of light at the end of the tunnel, 
A reason to fight, is there a chance 
You may change your mind 
G#                       D# Fm G# D# 
Or are we ashes and wine? 

      D#                         Fm 
Don't know if our fate's already sealed 
      G#                           D# 
This day's a spinning circus on a wheel 
    D#                          Fm 
I'm ill with the thought of your kiss 
 G#                        D# 
Coffee-laced, intoxicating on her lips 
        Fm  G#                         D# 
Shut it out, i've got no claim on you now 
            Fm  G# 
I'm not allowed to wear your freedom down 

Is there a chance, 
A fragment of light at the end of the tunnel, 
A reason to fight, is there a chance 
You may change your mind 
G#                      D# 
Or are we ashes and wine? 

     Cm      G#     D#     D# 
I'll tear myself away if that what you need 
          G#      D#       G# 
There is nothing left to say, but 

Is there a chance, 
A fragment of light at the end of the tunnel, 
A reason to fight, is there a chance 
You may change your mind 
G#                      D#  G# 
Or are we ashes and wine? 
                      D#   G# 
Reduced to ashes and wine 

Or are we ashes… 

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