Skinny Lister

Geordie Lad

Skinny Lister

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Geordie Lad

Written by Daniel Heptinstall/Skinny Lister

Intro:A (x2) Bm G (x2) 

G     Bm            D     G 
So i missed you on Monday, 
G        Bm           D         G 
In conversation your name came up, 
G          Bm            D    G   
Took me back to that summer 

D       G 
Geordie Lad 
G        Bm          D   G 
What the hell became of us? 
D       G 
Geordie Lad 

G How you doing? A In the wild wild world Bm G I hope it's treating you well G A And i wonder, what your're up to now, Bm G You know i think of you still
Verse G Bm D G That was us in the young days G Bm D G Bursting out of the photograph G Bm D G Up to our necks in our old ways, D G Geordie Lad Hey
G Bm G I hope it's treating you well G A And i wonder, what your're up to now, Bm G You know i think of you still G Bm D G I guess i always will G Bm D G I guess i always will
Verse G Bm D G Words were thrown and we meant them G Bm D G What we have was worth more than that, G Bm D G Here's to the good and the great times D G Geordie Lad
G How you doing? A In the wild wild world Bm G I hope it's treating you well? G A And i wonder, what your're up to now, Bm G You know i think of you still D G Geordie Lad D G Geordie Lad
Outro G 4x Hey D 8x

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