Travis Gray

The Way The Truth And The Life

Travis Gray

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The Way The Truth And The Life

G C Without the Way, there is no going G D Without the Truth, there is no knowing G C Without the Life there is no living G D G I thank you my Lord for all you've given

Verse 1:

G Do not let your hearts be troubled C Trust in God trust also in me G In my fathers house are many rooms D If it were not so I would have told you G I'm going there to prepare a place for you C And if I go and prepare a place for you G D I will come back to take you to be with me G So you always will be where I am
G C Without the Way, there is no going G D Without the Truth, there is no knowing G C Without the Life there is no living G D G I thank you my Lord for all you've given

Verse 2:

G Jesus said you know the way to where I'm going C Thomas said to him Lord we we don't know where you're going G D So how can we know the way G Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and the Life C No one comes to the father except through me G D And if you really knew Me you would know my Father as well G So you always will be where I am
G C Without the Way, there is no going G D Without the Truth, there is no knowing G C Without the Life there is no living G D G I thank you my Lord for all you've given
G C Without the Way, there is no going G D Without the Truth, there is no knowing G C Without the Life there is no living G D G I thank you my Lord for all you've given

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