Rich Mullins


Rich Mullins

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Year: 1999 - Album: Songs 2

Written by Richard Mullins

	  		Gno3    G        C2/G         G        C2/G 	    G	     C2/G 
{....}{ / / / / }{ / / / / }{ / / / / }{ / / / / }{ / / / / }{ / / / / } 
     G                              C2/G 
Somewhere between the lost and the found 
		   G			  C2/G 
We're all hanging empty, empty and upside down 
 	       Am7			     Em 
But I'm hanging on though the fall may tempt me 
		      C2	     Am7	    C    Dsus D 
And I believe in the dawn though we tremble in the night 
Somewhere amidst these ins and these outs 
There's a fine line of purpose I follow even now 
Through the haze of despair that confuses and hurts us 
I look to see that You're there and I run toward Your light 
     Am				    C 
Somewhere beyond these reasons and feelings 
     Am				    C   D 
Somewhere beyond the passion and fatigue 
	        G		     	    C2/G 
I know You're there and that Your Spirit is leading me 
     Am	C2	       G   (C2/G  G  C2/G) 
Somewhere beyond all this 
Someday, now I don't know when 
But I know that You're coming, You're coming back again 
And the earth will burn away and the sky fill with thundering 
As it announces the day has finally arrived 
Somewhere, while the time is still now 
While we're still hanging empty, empty and upside down 
But I'm hanging on with all that is in me 
And I'll sing my songs, and I'll laugh until I fly 
Chorus 2x 
      G			  C2/G	      G			 C2/G 
Somewhere, baby away somewhere, somewhere, baby away somewhere 
      G			  C2/G		       G	  C2/G 
Somewhere, baby away somewhere I gotta go somewhere, somewhere 
    G	      C2/G	 
|:{ / / / / }{ / / / / }:| 
repeat and fade 


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