Michael Card

Let The Children Come

Michael Card

chords Intermediate intermediate


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Let The Children Come

	  		Verse 1: 
Jesus looked so weary 
         C              G 
From the worries of the day. 
         D               C 
But the look on His face lighted, 
         G               D 
As the children came His way. 
     C                   G 
But before He could reach out to them, 
    C                  G 
And join them in their play, 
C                   G 
His grown-up band of followers 
        C           D 
Told the kids to go away. 
Let the children come. 
      C               D 
Don't dare drive them away. 
In them the Kingdom comes, 
        C              G 
Hear the Holy, foolish things they say. 
       C                G 
The springtime of their life decides 
     C               G 
The adults they'll become. 
C               G 
So let the children come, 
C                G 
Please let the children come. 
Verse 2: 
The golden gift of childhood 
        C              D 
Lasts a lifetime if you try. 
The simple trusting faith they own 
        C           D 
Keeps scholars mystified. 
C                  G 
And so the Lord adopts us, 
C                     G 
For His daughters and His sons. 
C                     G 
For the Kingdom is for children, 
         C                G 
So please let the children come. 


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