Toby Keith

Never Smoke Weed With Willie Again

Toby Keith

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Never Smoke Weed With Willie Again

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NEVER SMOKE WEED WITH WILLIE AGAIN e-------------------------------------------------------------- B-------------------------------------------------------------- G-------------------------------------------------------------- D-------------------------------------------------------------- A-----------0-----2----3---------------------------------------- E----3----------------------------------------------------------
C F C I always heard that his herb was top shelf C F G I just could not wait to find out for myself (RIFF) C F C Don't knock it til' you tried it, Well I tried it my friend C G C And I'll never smoke weed with Willie again C F C I learned a hard lesson in a small Texas town C F G He fired up a fat boy and passed him around C F C The last words that I spoke before they tucked me in C G C Was I'll never smoke weed with Willie again
F Bb F I'll never smoke weed with Willie again C F G My parties all over before it begins (RIFF) C F C You can pour me some old whiskey river my friend C G C But I'll never smoke weed with Willie again
C F C I hopped on his old bus, The Honey Suckle Rose C F G The party was Vegas it was after the show C F C Alone in the front lounge with just me and him C G C With one parting puff grim creeper set in
C F C Now we're passing the guitar and telling good jokes C F G I know ones a comin' cause I'm smelling smoke C F C No I do not partake, I just let it pass by C G C With a smile on my face and a great contact high
Chorus C F C In the fetal position with drool on my chin C G C I messed up and smoked weed with Willie again

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