Pink Floyd

The thin Ice

Pink Floyd

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The thin Ice

Year: 1979 - Album: The Wall (Deluxe Packaging Digitally Remastered)

Written by Roger Waters

C               Am 
Mamma loves her baby 
F               G 
and daddy loves you too 
C                    Am 
and the sea may look warm to you babe 
F                    G 
and the sky may look blue 
C  G  F  C/G  Am 
Ooooooooooooh babe 
C  G  F  C/G  Am    Am7  Am6 
Oooooooh baby blue 
C  G  F  C  Am  D7  G 
Ooooooooooh ooooooh babe 
C                Am 
If you should go skating 
       F                        G 
On the thin ice of modern life 
C                       Am 
Dragging behind you the silent reproach 
     F7M                 G 
Of a million  tear stained eyes 
C                         Am 
Dont be surprised, when a crack in the ice 
F                  G 
Appears under your feet 
         C                     Am 
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind 
         F                        G 
With your fear flowing out  behind you 
Sem Acorde 
As you claw the thin ice 

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