Ocean Alley

All Worn Out

Ocean Alley

chords Intermediate intermediate


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All Worn Out

	  		Intro Bbm7  Eb  Bbm7  Eb 
      Gb  Eb  Gb  Ab 

Db        Bbm 
Hold me down 
Db                 Bbm 
I'm not the one to stay around 
Gb              Ab 
   I'm lost again 
Gb                    Ab 
   It's getting kinda turbulent 
Db            Bbm 
Pull the roses out 
Db                    Bbm 
The stems look sad and wilted now 

Gb              Eb 
   You need a friend 
Gb                   Ab 
   In the heat of it 
               Bbm  Gb 
The heat of it 
                Bbm  Gb 
In the heat of it 
                Bbm Gb 
In the heat of it 
                Ab Gb Gb Fm Gb 
You need a friend 
                Ab Gb Gb Fm Ab 
But I'll be gone 

Bbm  Eb 

( Bbm7  Eb  Gb ) 
( Eb  Gb  Ab ) 

Bbm                Eb 
  I'm weightless now 
Bbm                   Eb 
   My feet can barely touch the ground 
Gb               Eb 
  I'm lost in space 
Gb                  Ab 
  I've never felt so far away 
Bbm                Eb 
Well, am I up or down? 
Bbm                 Eb 
  I seem to keep on spinning round 

Gb              Eb 
   You need a friend 
Gb                   Ab 
   In the heat of it 
               Bbm  Gb 
The heat of it 
                Bbm  Gb 
In the heat of it 
                Bbm Gb 
In the heat of it 
                Ab Gb Gb Fm Gb 
You need a friend 
                Ab Gb Gb Fm Ab 
But I'll be gone 
Bbm   Eb 

( Bbm  Eb  Gb  Eb ) 
( Gb  Ab  Bbm  Eb ) 
( Bbm  Eb  Gb  Eb  Gb  Ab ) 

Ab               Bbm Gb 
In the heat of it 
              Bbm Gb 
The heat of it 
               Bbm Gb 
In the heat of it 
                 Ab Gb Gb Fm Gb 
You need a friend 
But I'll be gone 

Final Ab  Gb  Gb  Fm  Ab 

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