Morgan Craig

Almost home

Morgan Craig

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Almost home

He had plastic bags wrapped 'round his shoes. He was covered with the Evening News 
G                 D                 G 
Had a pair of old wool socks on his hands. 
The bank sign was flashing "5 below", It was freezing rain an' spittin' snow; 
G                  D                 G 
He was curled up behind some garbage cans. 
Em                                                  C  
I was afraid that he was dead:  I gave him a gentle shake. 
Em                                       C             D 
When he opened up his eyes,  I said: "Old man, are you ok?" 
D                                 C 
He said: "I just climbed out of a cottonwood tree. 
"I was runnin' from some honey bees. 
                    C                                   D 
"Drip dryin' in the summer breeze,  "After jumpin' into Calico Creek. 
                       C                                            G  
"I was walkin' down an old dirt road, "Past a field of hay that had just been mowed. 
Em                           C           D                                           G 
"Man, I wish you'd just left me alone,        "'Cause I was almost home." 
Then he said: "I w's just comin' 'round the barn, "'Bout the time he grabbed my arm,  
 G                  D                   G 
"When I heard Momma holler: 'Son, hurry up.' 
"I was close enough for my own nose, "To smell fresh cobbler on the stove, 
  G               D              G 
"When I saw Daddy loadin' up the truck. 
 Em                                    C 
"Cane poles on the tailgate,  "Bobbers blowin' in the wind. 
 Em                            C           D 
"Since July of '55, "That's as close as I've been. 
 D                             C 
"Yeah, I just climbed out of a cottonwood tree. 
"Well, I was runnin' from some honey bees. 
                    C                                  D 
"Drip dryin' in the summer breeze  "After jumpin' into Calico Creek. 
                           C                                            G 
"An' I was walkin' down an old dirt road, "Past a field of hay that had just been mowed.  
 Em                          C            D                  G 
"Man, I wish you'd just left me alone,         "I was almost home." 
Em                                                      C                                                                                        
I said: "Old man you're gonna freeze to death,  "Let me drive you to the mission." 
Em                                          C           D 
He said: "Boy, if you left me alone, "Right now, I'd be fishin'." 
 D                       C 
"I just climbed out of a cottonwood tree. 
"I was runnin' from some honey bees. 
                        C                                   D 
"An' drip dryin' in the summer breeze, "After jumpin' in to Calico Creek. 
                       C                                            G 
"I was walkin' down an old dirt road, "Past a field of hay that had just been mowed. 
Em                           C         D                       G 
"Man, I wish you'd just left me alone     "'Cause I was almost home." (Almost home). 
 Em                          C 
"Man, I wish you'd just left me alone, 
"I was almost home." 


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