Lucinda Williams

King Of Hearts

Lucinda Williams


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King Of Hearts

Written by Lucinda Williams

	  		F#m                 D 
Can you relieve me, baby 
E                          Bm 
Take your heart from your sleeve 
D                  A 
And put it on the line, 
D                        A 
Put it right here beside mine. 
F#m             D        E           Bm  
I can't seem to read you most of the time 
D                     A 
Don't you know that I need you 
D                A 
Will you ever be mine 
D         E 
Love is a gamble,  
  A       A/G#     F#m 
I knew it from the start 
D                     E             A           A/G#    F#m 
Whoever's holding the cards, please deal me the King of Hearts 
       D           E       A 
Please deal me the King of Hearts. 
F#m               D 
If you came to my door 
E                    Bm   D                A 
And you asked me for more I'd lay down beside you. 
D           A 
I'd never deny you. 
F#m                  D      E                Bm 
And if I had lots of silver I'd give some to you 
D                    A    D                      A 
And if I had lots of gold I'd make a rich man of you.  
D           E 
Everytime I see you,  
          A       A/G# F#m 
I want to fall in love again 
D               E                  A         A/G#   F#m 
I would like to free you, but you won't even let me in 
D              E      A 
You won't even let me in. 
F#m                   D 
Can you relieve me, baby 
E                         Bm 
Take your heart from your sleeve, 
D                 A 
And put it on the line 
D                        A 
Put it right here beside mine. 
F#m             D 
I can't seem to read you 
E           Bm 
Most of the time 
D                     A 
Don't you know that I need you  
D                A    D         E  
Will you ever be mine Love is a gamble, 
  A       A/G#     F#m 
I knew it from the start. 
D                     E             A           A/G#    F#m 
Whoever's holding the cards, please deal me the King of Hearts, 
       D           E       A  
Please deal me the King of Hearts 

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