


chords Intermediate intermediate


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Key:  E More
Fake Key BB
Fake Key CC
Fake Key C#C#
Fake Key DD(one step down)
Fake Key D#D#(half step down)
Fake Key EE(original key)
Fake Key FF(half step up)
Fake Key F#F#(one step up)
Fake Key GG
Fake Key G#G#
Fake Key AA
Fake Key A#A#
	  		Intro: E 

Verse 1:

E Yeah, you and your friends you live on the surface Act like you're perfect, everyone knows Asus2 You're just like everyone else except for you're better at takin' photos E Oh ohh oh oh Asus2 Yeah, why you gotta make everythin' a show?
E Man, you so fucking fake (ahh ah) Asus2 You don't mean a single thing you say (ahh ah) E If we've got a problem, say it to my face (ahh ah) Asus2 And you're just like all the people that you hate (You're so fake) N.C. When the real you's back, I'll pick up my phone

Verse 2:

E Callin' me up when you're gettin' drunk You say you in love but what do you mean Asus2 Cause when you wake up you blame it on drugs And then we break up, you lie through your teeth C#m7 You just want to play little games for attention (you just want to play little games for attention) Asus2 N.C. Tellin' me your perfect lies and wastin' all my time
E Cause you so fucking fake (ahh ah) Asus2 You don't mean a single thing you say (ahh ah) E If we've got a problem, say it to my face (ahh ah) Asus2 And you're just like all the people that you hate (You're so fake) When the real you's back, I'll pick up my phone


E You just want to play little games for attention (you just want to play little games for attention) Asus2 Pushin' me away so I crave your affection (pushin' me away so I crave your affection) C#m7 Callin' me insane but you stay in my mentions (callin' me insane but you stay in my mentions) Asus2 Tellin' me your perfect lies and wastin' all my time
E Cause you so fucking fake (ahh ah) Asus2 You don't mean a single thing you say (ahh ah) C#m7 If we've got a problem, say it to my face (ahh ah) Asus2 And you're just like all the people that you hate (You're so fake) N.C. When the real you's back, I'll pick up my phone

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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