Gretchen Peters


Gretchen Peters

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Key:  Am More
Jubilee Key EmEm
Jubilee Key FmFm
Jubilee Key F#mF#m
Jubilee Key GmGm(one step down)
Jubilee Key G#mG#m(half step down)
Jubilee Key AmAm(original key)
Jubilee Key A#mA#m(half step up)
Jubilee Key BmBm(one step up)
Jubilee Key CmCm
Jubilee Key C#mC#m
Jubilee Key DmDm
Jubilee Key D#mD#m
	  		Intro: Am7   C   F   C   F C   Am   F   C   G 

N.C.  Am         F 
I got nothing 
           C      F C 
To hold me here 
       F            C         Dm     G    C 
My old friends have all moved on and disappeared 

N.C.        Am          F 
It won't be long now 
        C     F C 
Until I fly 
           F         C      Dm      G       C 
But oh, my dear ones, how I hate to say goodbye 

F C Am G F So I sing holy, holy from this prison where I lie G7 G My arms reaching up to touch the sky F C Am G F I sing holy, holy, hallelujah, I am free Dm Am7 F G C So, come on down and join the ju--bilee
N.C. Am F I don't hunger C F C And I don't thirst F C Dm G C There is nothing that I need upon this earth N.C. Am F My body's broken C F C But not my soul F C Dm G C You know it's love and only love that's made me whole
F C Am G F So I sing holy, holy from this prison where I lie G7 G My arms reaching up to touch the sky F C Am G F I sing holy, holy, hallelujah, I am free Dm Am7 F G C So, come on down and join the ju--bilee
Instrumental: C F C F C Am F G N.C. Am F I'm an orphan C F C Thirty years on F C Dm G C You know I miss my father's voice and my mother's arms N.C. Am F I was you once C F C And now you're me F C Dm G C It's in this circle that we make a family
F C Am G F And I sing holy, holy from this prison where I lie G7 G My arms still reaching up to touch the sky F C Am G F I sing holy, holy, hallelujah, I am free Dm Am7 F G Am7 F So, come on down and join the ju--bilee Dm G F G C Come on down and join the ju--bilee

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