Phillip Phillips

A Fools Dance

Phillip Phillips

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A Fools Dance

Written by Phillip Phillips

Intro: Bm A D (x2) 

Bm                                       D 
Raindrop hits the edge of the town as it comes more 
         Bm                                     D 
From the porch to the ceiling makes its way down to the floor 
    Bm                              D 
But I won't worry you won't see I'm right by you, and you by me 
Bm                                   D 
As we wake up tonight as the thunder roars 

G D G D 

    Bm                                D 
The staircase can never teach me more 
     Bm                                D 
Like life I climb, I fall, just a step once more 
    Bm                                 D 
You tricked me, fooled me, I was yours 
     Bm                               D 
Only to act out a game that I did not know 

G        Em G D/F# 
  Who am I 
G        Em          G D/F#  
  Who am I anymore 

Bm A G D/F# D Who am I, who are you, what are we anymore? Bm A G D/F# Em Just the darkness in my life like a hole in the floor Bm A G D/F# D Won't you take it all away and I'll take mine to the lord Bm A G D Em The angels may fall but never close enough to let me soar
Bm A D (x2) Bm The eagles are flying and crows are dying D Bm D I guess I'll jump quick just to see if I still have a chance to live Bm D I played around and around, I win but a circle grows old Bm D I guess I'm just another square in this circled world that we call home Pre-Chorus G Em G D/F# Who am I G Em G D/F# Who am I anymore
Bm A G D/F# D Who am I, who are you, what are we anymore? Bm A G D/F# Em Just the darkness in my life like a hole in the floor Bm A G D/F# D Won't you take it all away and I'll take mine to the lord Bm A G D Em The angels may fall but never close enough to Who am I Bm A G D/F# D Who am I, who are you, what are we anymore? Bm A G D/F# Em Just the darkness in my life like a hole in the floor Bm A G D/F# D Won't you take it all away and I'll take mine to the lord Bm A G D Em The angels may fall but never close enough to let me soar
Bm A D (x2)

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